Saturday, 7 July 2018

Life Update

It's been a while and I've had a wee think. I'm not really qualified to talk about makeup. I enjoy it but I can't really afford buying new makeup to try out with a flat to pay for as well. Don't earn enough for that. I want to keep the blog but the content will change. Instead of makeup it's going to be like a little diary of such, life updates where I can just share how I'm feeling or if something happens or just to write down a few mishaps.
I am an empathetic person and I take on what people feel and make it mine, so when people feel bad so do I but I don't like seeing people down so I try and make em laugh. I am massively inappropriate and I don't know what boundaries are and that's just me. That's my humour and I can make people laugh with it and that's what I want to do. My page will be that from now on. Just me rambling about random stuff. I hope that it can be a place where people can just come and relax and maybe a few like-minded people might find this and laugh. That's all I want.
I am currently chilling at my boyfriend's place sweating my tits off and he's asleep because I wouldn't let him sleep next to me on his single bed because it was too hot last night (poor bastard.) Now, I hear my cats meowing (on Minecraft) so I'm going to get back to that ;D

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Primark Foundation Dupe For Double Wear...WHAT?!

I forever go on about the Double Wear Foundation by Estēe Lauder and how amazing it is but Primark have brought out their own version called My Perfect Colour that does the same as the Double Wear for only £5! Excuse me Primark but erm you've kinda just turned my makeup routine upside down and you freaking RUDE with your perfect self! It's actually kinda funny how much of a copy the Primark one is to the Double Wear. For example the bottles are the same shape and size, both don't come with a pump but Estēe brought out a pump for theres thankfully and both say the same things on the bottles such as double wear or double coverage and I think Primark is trying to throw shade at Estēe by making theres 32ml when the Double Wear is 30ml and the Primark one has SPF 15 and Double Wear has SPF 10...hmm. Anyway let me break down all the things the Double Wear does for £32.50 that the Primark Foundation does for a fiver...still shook...
So, first things first, the Double Wear is VERY full coverage (duh).  It's quite liquid-y in formula but it masks imperfections like they're nothing and it's buildable without looking cake-y. The Primark one is full coverage as well like honestly when I first started playing around with the Primark foundation I actually had to stop and think about which one I was actually using because they were both soo similar it was scary. At one point I actually got annoyed because I was like how dare they do this to me! I just spent £32 on the Double Wear and they make this foundation and only charge £5 for it! I think I lost my mind whilst doing my makeup that day honestly.
One of the things I live for in the Double Wear is that it sets by itself and I don't need to set it with powder but I have dry skin sometimes and powders just make me look cake-y in my opinion so if I can go without with a foundation I bloody well will! Of course if you have oiler skin I would recommend setting foundations with powder just to give it that extra hold! But it made me super nervous to go without powder with the Primark one as I didn't really know how it would dry down and if it would affect the longevity of the foundation but guys there is no fear to be had as it literally just dries down to a matte finish! The only difference is the Double Wear FEELS touch-ably dry and smooth like there was powder over top and the Primark one still feels a tad like a smidgeon tacky but it still stays put all day like I have worn this foundation everyday this week. I've worn it to work and it looked beautiful under the bright lights and I still love it the same as when I first tried it! To top it off 3 of the girls I work with have tried it and are smitten with it!
The only downside to the Primark Foundation is the shade range but having said that they have just come out with it so who knows what they're thinking right now, they may bring out more shades! One of the girls I work with asked a good question of whether or not this foundation will make you breakout since each foundation is different and works differently to each persons unique skin so it will be interesting to know how it works with mine but as of right now after wearing the Primark foundation for nearly a week I have had no issues. My skin doesn't feel dry after wearing it and I will have to see if I get any breakouts and I will be sure to keep you notified if any problems arise. But if you're on a budget like I am or are just genuinely curious and you want a good full coverage foundation then definitely check this one out it's BOMB!

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Makeup Brushes: Eyes

Creating the perfect eye look means having good brushes. Seems pretty obvious I know but I struggled for years doing my eye makeup and I thought it was all down to me not having the right techniques and maybe it was at the time but as soon as I got some really nice brushes it all became so much easier and the possibilities became endless! So I will breakdown what I use and how I use them! Yes, they are dirty I used them this morning and yes one is broken I...accidentally snapped it...

1. The first one I use is the Deluxe Concealer Brush from Real Techniques and I use it guessed it concealer and foundation and this sets the perfect base for eyeshadows and it's the perfect size to just sweep along the top and bottom lid. After I've done my eye shadows on the top lid I put foundation on the bottom lid and then use the brush to sweep along the outer corner and this gives the eyeshadow a "wing effect" or at least it looks a lot sharper and more precise! It just means you can be as messy as you like because you just clean it up after and it looks SNATCHED! Definitely a hack to keep up your sleeve!
2. The second one actually looks a lot like the concealer brush but it's a different colour and sold as an eyeshadow brush again by Real Techniques and it's called the Deluxe Eyeshadow Brush and I just use it to set my foundation with a peachy eyeshadow on or around my eye to make sure it doesn't crease on me! I personally find this brush too big for any other purpose unfortunately! 
3. My main brush that I couldn't live without is my Base Eyeshadow Brush from Real Techniques and this brush is flat but with a domed shape that fits perfectly into the crease. This brush for me does all the magic and I will use it to define and blow up my crease because I have hooded eyes so I want my eyes to appear bigger so I will blend towards my eyebrows if I need to and then I'll darken the outer corners and create a wing to perfect the illusion of bigger eyes!
4. The brush I use for my under eye is one my mum gave me years ago by Cosmopolitan called the Smokey Eyes Base Brush and I think she got it out of a magazine but the thing is bloody good! It's soft and just a lovely square shaped brush that just fits the under eye perfectly! I've never used anything else! 
5. Last but not least everyone needs a packing brush, one that just piles pure pigment onto the eye! I have one by Eco Tools and it's a very unique shape, like its a dome shape but it comes to a point at the top. Regardless though, it's really good for packing those shimmery eye shadows on the lid.

Of course, like most things, getting that perfect eye look does take practice, a few tutorials and a few "panda eyes" but practice makes perfect after all! 

Friday, 9 February 2018


I just realised as one of my friends struggled to find the "follow" button on my blog on her phone that for it to show up you need to scroll to the bottom and there should be "view webpage version" and that takes the blog out of mobile version and then it's available! Just wondering if I can change that...

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Let's Talk About: Fenty Beauty: She's Here To Slay

Let me start off by saying: I'm SHOOK! It is amazing! The delivery was fast! The packaging is perfect and feels luxurious! This foundation retails for £26 from Harvey Nicols which is where I bought mine from and the delivery was £6, so in total: £32. The colour I got was 130 which is just very yellow toned and part of the light range and despite picking off a website I got a really good shade for my skin and that is because they show models wearing that specific shade so it's easy to see what that colour looks like on skin rather than just a colour swatch! Bloody genius! The bottle itself looks lovely made of glass with a white pump and white lid: simple yet effective! Now, this foundation is medium to full coverage. I do like how it's buildable so if I wanted a little more of a natural look on my days off  then I can do that with this one! Not gonna lie though, I do like my full coverage on a daily basis because I work under a lot of bright lights which shows ANY flaw in my makeup, so annoying for bad makeup days! Anyway, I usually like applying my foundations with a brush, I find it's just quicker for me and gives me an even distribution of product. This foundation has a liquidy formula and applies so nicely, smoothly and evenly and a little bit goes a long way, like I'm too scared to do a full pump with this one in case I have to do my whole body in it!
I wore this one all day today under all those hot, bright lights and it's held up really well like I feel like I could go out tonight and still feel confident that my face still looks flawless even after an 8 hour shift. I am honestly so happy to finally have a different foundation that I could switch up with my current favourite: The Double Wear, as much as I love this foundation I do just get bored using the same products over and over and I want to switch it up, try new things and find more amazing things that I can keep under my sleeve! Not to mention having two foundations that I really love will help my bank a bit more since I won't be using the same bottle everyday and going through it in like a month! There's method to my madness I swear! Rihanna girl! You're here to slay and here to stay!
Also, if there is anything you'd like me try you can email me at or you can leave a comment on any of my posts!

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Update On Me

I want to put more time and effort into this blog! I feel like with work and feeling low about my relationship breakup is getting in the way of me really getting stuck into making this blog the best I can possibly make it! I really hope to have this blog fattened up soon and a wee bit more organised so those who are more interested in skin care more than makeup can easily navigate the skin care post(s) and those who like makeup can have a binge read! Anyway! No more excuses of feeling too low to post or too tired! I want this blog to be amazing for those who are reading it. Also, how are you finding this blog...? I haven't really advertised it anywhere yet thinking maybe when it has more in it, but please let me know in the comments because I am genuinely perplexed! I am genuinely happy though that people are finding it with their mad google skills!
Also, sorry if things keep jumping, I'm trying to edit this thing and it's not working with me!
Cheeky me: feel free to follow my blog for updates on new posts and just me being random, you can also follow my social media if you want to know more about me as a person :)

Fenty Beauty And Other Updates

I may have bought the new Fenty Foundation and I honestly can't wait! I'm so excited!  Not too sure when she'll arrive but when she does there will be a "Let's Talk About Fenty." From what I see, my post "Let's Talk About Estēe Lauder" was my most popular post! So I will try and do more like it and try and pack as much information about the products and the formulas as possible and how good (or not) they are! I especially love reading about makeup products before I buy them and read reviews from your everyday folk like you and I and how it works for them because I feel when watching reviews on YouTube and all their amazing lights they can make the worst makeup product in the world look amazing! In all honesty, it's how I got suckered in to buying Huda Beauty's Faux Filter Foundation and for me and my work colleague it's just not that good, it clings to everything! So, I'm trying to pawn it off on everyone I work with! I have high hopes for this Fenty Foundation and I have faith in her!
Wee sidenote: I may have also bought 3 more MAC lipsticks and I KNOW I will love them because they are all amazing and their colour range and finishes are absolutely divine! I can't wait for them to get through my door! Also, thank you for taking the time to view my blog and read my posts, it means the world to me and it makes me so happy! Feel free to comment on posts and I will reply! I hope you've all had a lovely weekend and I hope you have a lovely week as well! :)
© 2025 Pretty Lil Missy